Father Zoltan Lendvai of a Redics, Hungary parish has taken to delivering his holy message in an innovative way. He's ditched the staid altar for the powerful platform of the skate deck. Yes, he's as far as our records can tell the first Catholic priest to preach the gospel from a skateboard.
Of course, thanks in large part to the fact that he's good, he's now a YouTube sensation too.
What's funny is that he's just so old-school. Not only is he busting out skate moves that we haven't seen since the 80s, but by taking a religion known more for emphasizing crippling guilt over gnarly grinds and updating it for the modern age, he's actually dusting off the teachings of 19th Century friar Saint John Bosco, who used games to reach out to kids at risk of, ya know, losing their souls.
"Many times I have felt that this is the way I can bring many people a bit closer to Jesus," he told Reuters. Next stop? Ditching unleavened bread for cocoa puffs.