3 Fingers/A ok Sign.....
George Bush (the son)
George Bush (Father)
The Beatles
Lady Gaga
In Satanism, when making this sign the three fingers not used to make the circle are considered symbolic of the unholy trinity - hornedGod, Goddess, and offspring (antichrist). Some go so far as to adopt the view that the bent three fingers are shaped as three number six's, or 666. Thus, we have 666, the sun deity (Lucifer), the Goddess (Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots), and the beast (antichrist, 666), all in one unitary hand sign. Oh what a web of evil wicked men can weave around something seemingly so ordinary and mundane.
In the Illuminist philosophy, the OK sign becomes a sign indicating approval of the Divine King, their coming Lord of Light, whom we as Christiansknow as antichrist. To them it means, "He approve s our undertaking." This meaning is roughly equivalent to the words in Latin atop the all-seeing eye of Osiris on our U.S. one dollar bill- Annuit Coeptus"