A man who attempted to extort money from a store owner and was shot and injured by the complainant, appeared in the Corpo-rate Area Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday.
Jevaughn Black pleaded not guilty to assault at common law and extortion.
The court heard that on the day in question, Black went to the business on Roxborough Avenue, Kingston 3, and demanded money from the owner, who refused.
Black, the court heard, pulled a knife and attacked the complainant, who is a licensed-firearm holder, but was shot and injured.
The complainant later told Resi-dent Magistrate Judith Pusey that he had no interest in pursuing the matter any further but was advised by RM Pusey that his request would not be granted because of the gravity of the matter.
Black's attorney also supported the prospect of having the matter dismissed when he told the court that his client's mother was a former employee at the complain-ant's business place.
However, RM Pusey explained that the matter had to be pursued because it concerned public safety and public morality.
Black's bail was extended. He goes on trial on August 11.