RECESSION SPECIAL!!! GUESS WHICH R&B STAR IS IN TROUBLE WITH THE TAX MAN NOW . . . THEY PUT LIENS ON HER HOMES IN LOS ANGELES AND NEW JERSEY!!! just learned that R&B star FAITH EVANS just got hit with a whopping $350,000 TAX BILL!! And it gets worse theyve put a LIEN on her homes in Los Angeles and New Jersey and if she doesnt pay up QUICK . . . theyre going to sell her homes!!!
Heres how our pals over at the Detroit News are reporting it: The IRS filed a $36,360 lien against Evans on March 4 with the New York City Register's office. The IRS filed a $119,821 lien against Evans on Feb. 16 with the Los Angeles County Recorder of Deeds. The state of New Jersey filed a $204,000 lien against Evans on Oct. 30, 2008, with the New Jersey State Superior Court. WOW . . . maybe Diddy can come to the rescue . . .
Oh and BTW . . . the most SURPRISING part of this story is that Faith has TWO HOUSES!!!