The Antichrist:
1) He will be DIFFERENT from the previous Kings
2) He will try to CHANGE the set times and laws
3) Have a different religion than his ancestors
4) Extreme charisma draw enormous crowds
5) Great Speaker
6) Given authority to rule for about 42 months
7) Will oppress the Christians with unchristian politics (likely support gays & abortions so to set the generation free of guilt)
8) Somehow his name or him in general will mean three 6's (666)
Full name: 18 letters
6 + 6 + 6 =
Birthdate: 216 day of year (Aug. 4)
6 x 6 x 6 =
Birthplace: 21.6 degrees lattitude
6 x 6 x 6 =
216 (21.6)
Address/Zipcode in Illnois (home governing state):
6 0 6 0 6
Winning lottery number in Illinois on Nov. 5 2008 (DAY AFTER ELECTED):
6 6 6
next pick:
7 7 7 9
all biblical #'s
666 = Antichrist
777 = Perfect Completion
9 = Gods Judgement
November 5, 2008: Antichrist Perfect Completion Gods Judgement
In Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic Lightning = Barak (Reference: Strongs Hebrew word 1300)
Matthew 24:27 (First talking about the false messiah) "For as LIGHTNING comes from the East and is seen unto the West, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be (Jesus will return in this time)."
Obama raised in East, Indonesia and heritage in East (Africa/Kenya), President in West
In Hebrew Vau (represented by u or O) is a connector of words, mainly a conjunction. Bama (Reference: Strongs Hebrew word 1116) means "the Heights (of heaven)"
Luke 10:18 (Jesus speaking who did know some Hebrew): I saw Satan as LIGHTNING FROM HEAVEN.
" I saw Satan as BARA(CK)Q O BAMA"
What are the chances that the president of the most powerful nation on Earth's first AND last name could be found in a direct quote referring to Satan?
Also don't directly translate "Lightning from Heaven" because its "the Heights" which means Bama and in many places in the Bible "the High place" (refering to heaven) was translated in many original texts as "Bama" such as Isaiah 14:14.