CONSCIOUSNESS is primarily what drives life to explore itself to find out its potentialities.Because We're the by-product of life itself,all living material is a by-product of life,we have this thing call CONSCIOUNESS that drives us to know more about ourselves,yes we're conscious beings.I like to believe that consciouusness is the same thing as ENERGY.One of the laws of thermodynamics state that 'energy can neither be created nor be destroy' and energy is made-up of atoms ;an atom is made of proton,neutron & electron.These are the particles that drives the atom and atom in return drives energy and the rest is a chain reaction.Scence "Energy cannot be created nor be destroy' we must assumed that it always exist and that energy is what humans call LIFE.Primitive human minds wanted to coped with life therefore they devised a method and that method was to personified life in order to relate to life itself.That personification of life is what human called GOD.GOD CAN NEITHER BE CREATED NOR BE DESTROY,LIFE CAN NEITHER BE CREATED NOR BE DESTROY and ENERGY CAN NEITHER BE CREATED NOR BE DESTROY.The anthropomoorphic concept of god or gods came about as a result of the human mind personifying life in order to understand life and coped with the harsh realities of life itself.Remember this LIFE IS,ENERGY IS CONSCIOUSNESS IS and GOD IS.LIFE IS be continued