While in custody of the Secret Service, Florin Necula, accused of scamming ATM machines, reportedly swallowed a flash drive in what seems to have been a desperate bid to hide incriminating evidence.
According to court papers, Secret Service agents raided Necula's home and seized a variety of electronic devices, including cell phones, laptops, and digital cameras.
They didn't get Necula's 4 gigabyte Kingston flash drive, however.
After being accused, Necula was taken to the USSS offices to be questioned and processed. While there, he grabbed Subject Flash Drive 2, which had been on his person at the time of his arrest, and swallowed.
After four days in Necula's system, the agents decided to excise the flash drive for fear that 'Necula would be injured if they allowed the flash drive to remain inside of him,' according to thecourt filings.