Religion was formed out of the human mind trying understand the self and its relationship with this vastness of life around them.Something had to be in place for the future generation to understand what is the purpose of life?,why we are here?,where we are going after this physical life ends? etc. these and other questions had to be answered.During these early periods of human existance on earth they devise an idea to comunicate on a scale that had never seen before and that was the art of writing.Ancient concept of writing were for more different than what we have today but,it had the same purpose and that is for posterity plus it was away to control the massive.Out of these written ideologies came laws,politics and how one should socialized or go to war.These help to shape humanities behaviours,characters and perceptions of life with his incredible believes in this so-call religiousity mind set.The more these religions grew the more sophiisticated they had become,doctrines were assembled in what we call dogmas and strict adhere to them is a must or they would faced severed punishments or be continued