A KFC ad in Australia has led some on the Internet to accuse the company of being racially insensitive. The ad, part of the company's "Cricket Survival Guide" promotional series, features a young white Australian at a cricket match sitting in a sea of dark-skinned fans loudly cheering, presumably for the opposition. The Australian, known as Mick in the ads, remarks, "Need a tip when you're stuck in an awkward situation?" He then shares a big bucket of KFC with them, which seems to help matters. He ends by telling the camera approvingly, "Too easy." Read more...
What? a white man can't give black ppl a piece a fry chicken, admit it, you like fry chicken, alright, what would be offensive is if he whipped out the watermelons, then I would be upset
hmm....maybe is racist, but racism makes u stronger ...the strongest race is our black ra ce..they will do everything to slow us , stop us distract us....make us kill each other,,,..but there is gonna come a time......when the tables is gonna turn...stay tuned