Synopsis "Weak Legs" Shirahama Kenichi would rather spend his time reading self improvement books than fighting. However, when he finally gets up the courage to become strong and join his school's karate club he gets forced into a challenge from an upperclassmen who is trying to get him kicked out. He is about to give it all up until he falls for the mysterious new classmate, Furinji Miu. In order to become strong he undergoes rigorous training at the dojo she lives at, Ryouzanpaku. Here he learns from multiple masters their various martial arts such as karate and Muay Thai and c****ines them to create his own fighting style. After beating his upperclassmen he soon receives the attention of the powerful gang known as Ragnorak. He becomes backed into a corner and must fight his way out as he becomes stronger and stronger.
[code]Note Two: Z-Z only has up to the first 26 episodes, [/code] [code]Note Three: If any of the files are in the wrong order or w/e, let me know and I'll fix it.[/code]
-- Edited by Guyana_Bandit on Wednesday 2nd of September 2009 07:59:04 PM