FACT #1 - The human heart makes enough pressure to squirt *lo** 30ft!
FACT #2 The average person spends 3 years of his or her life on the toilet. It is also the main place where people do their reading!
FACT #3 Your heart beats about 100,000 times in a day! over an average lifetime it beats more than 3 BILLION times!
FACT #4 Every person has a different tongue print. Imagine if you had to use your tongue to ID yourself every day! That would be gross!
FACT #5 23% of all photocopier breakdowns are caused by people photocopying their behinds! I always wondered why the copier machine in my school smelled funny, now I know why!
FACT #6 Babies are born without kneecaps. A childs kneecaps do not appear until he or she is 2 years old.
FACT #7 There was woman who had a whopping total 69 children! Obviously this is the world record! I wonder how she remembered all their names?
FACT #8 You will die faster from extreme lack of sleep than starvation.
FACT #9 On very rare occasions sneezing too hard can cause you to fracture a rib.
Weird Human FACTS #10 While you are sleeping you will eat about 10 spiders and 70 insects during your lifetime. Hmm, I must remember to sleep with an oxygen mask from now on.
FACT #11 A person can drink about 20,000 gallons of water in his or her lifetime.
FACT #12 -Everyday you share your birthday with about 9 million people.
FACT #13 The most common name in the world isMohammed.
FACT #14 We spend about one third of our lives sleeping. This means if a person lives to be 99 years old, he/she would have slept for around 33 years! Imagine how much more we could get done if we didnt have to sleep.
FACT #15 The average person is about 1/4 inch taller at night
FACT #16 The youngest couple ever to have children were 8 and 9 years old! They lived way back in 1910.
FACT #17 About half of the worlds population is under the age of 25.
FACT #18 Men are struck by lightening much more than women.
FACT #19 The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body
Weird Human FACTS #20 Men sweat about 40% more than women.
FACT #21 Color blindness occurs in men 10 times more than women.
FACT #22 Mongolians and Tibetans put salt in their tea instead of sugar.
FACT #23 Eskimos use refrigerators to stop their food from freezing.
FACT #24 A human liver can still function if 80% of it has been removed. Eventually it will grow back to its original size.
FACT #25 The pupil in your eye can expand (dilate) as much as 45% when you see something you like.
FACT #26 The average height for a male Mbuti pygmies is 46. This makes them among the shortest people in the wall.
FACT #27 In parts of India people wear masks on the back of their heads to confuse tigers. Tigers like to attack from behind.
FACT #28 In Los Angeles, California there are more cars than people
FACT #29 A person who has recently eaten a banana is more likely to attract mosquitos.
Weird Human FACTS #30 A dogs sense of smell is 95% better than yours
FACT #31 You breath about 23,000 times per day on average
FACT #32 Even the most intelligent person only uses one percent of the english language
FACT #33 The oldest known person lived to age 122. There have been unconfirmed reports that there is a Russia woman who is living right now with an unconfirmed age of 128!
FACT #34 40% of cat and dog owners carry a picture of their pet in their wallet.
FACT #35 The average persons dream lasts 2 to 3 seconds
FACT #36 At any given hour there are about 62,000 people in airplanes flying over the United States.
FACT #37 The Taj Mahal took 22 years to build and it was constructed by around 22,000 men.
FACT #38 You blink you eyes about 10 million times a year.
FACT #39 When you sneeze stuff (spit etc.) flys out your mouth at 300 MPH! Thats as fast as a category 5 tornado.
Weird Human FACTS #40 There are more people speaking english in China than there are in the United States. Chinas population is more that triple the USAs