A 23-year-old accused of breaking into a storeroom at the University of Technology and stealing four laptops was sentenced in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday.
Charged with storeroom breaking and larceny is Rasham Davis.
It is alleged that Davis broke into the storeroom at the university and removed four laptops. When the matter was mentioned, however, Davis said he did not break into the room as he has a key. He also said it was only three computers and not four. Resident Magistrate Judith Pusey then accepted Davis' guilty plea to the charge of simple larceny instead. The computers, the court was told, are valued at $300,000.
Davis was told that he could pay a fine of $1 million or serve five years for each count. Resident Magistrate Judith Pusey told him to think about which he would prefer. After some time, he told the court that he was sorry for what he had done, was ashamed of himself and wanted to do community service.
He was not so fortunate, how-ever, as he was sentenced to pay $25,000 or serve six months.