As the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) results are released to schools today, the Ministry of Education has reminded parents and guardians that transfers for students are not normally accommodated.
However, the education ministry said in a release yesterday that where parents or guardians have genuine reasons, such as relocation from one area of the country to another, they can ask for transfers, but they are not to approach the ministry as a first step in requesting one.
Approach schools
The ministry noted that parents or guardians who want to move their children from schools to which they were assigned are to approach the school they want their child to attend, and seek the institution's acceptance.
The education ministry said if the child can be accommodated, the parents or guardians are to get an acceptance letter from the principal. They are then to get a release letter from the school at which the child was placed.
The parents or guardians should then send a copy of the acceptance letter, a copy of the release letter and a copy of a letter of request asking for approval of the transfer to the senior education officer, secondary, in the regional office. A letter of approval will then be sent by the Ministry of Education to the parents or guardians and copied to the accepting and releasing schools.
yea but if the parent wants a child to get a good education...dem a pay fi it so why shouldnt they be able to have SOME say in the matter? Im kinda neutral on this one...
Love is Dead...
So few of us really think, what we do is rearrange our prejudges...
Education is not necessarily Liberation from Ignorance...