To all fellow MZJA members. Want to earn extra income by just leaving your computer on? Sign up at three different locations for three seperate profits. Basically you click various ads to make money, however this program does it all for you. Nicee.
1. (Register, Copy Paste TrikZ92 into the refferer line.) 2. (Register, Copy Paste TrikZ92 into the refferer line.) 3. (Register, Copy Paste TrikZ92 into the refferer line.)
After you've created accounts under all three sites and put TrikZ92 as your referrer download this, To add your account to this program, just click the account menu and chose the desired site you are signed up under. More than one may apply. Enjoy!!
P.S Be sure to donate to MZJA, click the Donate link BELOW!!
-- Edited by TrixXx on Wednesday 3rd of June 2009 11:30:40 PM