According to NYTimes, the students at Montgomery County High School had a segregated prom on May 1, 2009 and May 2, 2009.
The white students prom was held on May 1 at a community center in nearby Vidalia; the black students had theirs at the same place the following night.
Racially segregated proms have been held in Montgomery County where about two-thirds of the population is white almost every year since its schools were integrated in 1971. Such proms are, by many accounts, longstanding traditions in towns across the rural South, though in recent years a number of communities have successfully pushed for change. When the actor Morgan Freeman offered to pay for last years first-of-its-kind integrated prom at Charleston High School in Mississippi, his home state, the idea was quickly embraced by students and rejected by a group of white parents, who held a competing private prom. (The effort is the subject of a documentary, Prom Night in Mississippi, which will be shown on HBO in July.) The senior proms held by Montgomery County High School students referred to by many students as the black-folks prom and the white-folks prom are organized outside school through student committees with the help of parents. All students are welcome at the black prom, though generally few if any white students show up. The white prom, students say, remains governed by a largely unspoken set of rules about who may come. Black members of the student council say they have asked school administrators about holding a single school-sponsored prom, but that, along with efforts to collaborate with white prom planners, has failed. According to Timothy Wiggs, the outgoing student council president and one of 21 black students graduating this year, We just never get anywhere with it. Principal Luke Smith says the school has no plans to sponsor a prom, noting that when it did so in 1995, attendance was poor.
Earlier this month, on the Friday night of the white prom, Kera Nobles, a senior who is black, and six of her black classmates drove over to the local community center where it was being held. Standing amid a crowd of about 80 parents, siblings and grandparents, they snapped pictures and whooped appreciatively as their white friends blow-dried, boutonniered and glittering in a way that only high-school seniors can did their senior walk, parading in elegant pairs into the prom. We got stared at a little, being there, said one black student, but it wasnt too bad.
After the last couple were announced, after they watched the white peoples father-daughter dance and then, along with the other bystanders, were ushered by chaperones out the door, Kera and her friends piled into a nearby KFC to eat. Whatever elation they felt for their dressed-up classmates was quickly wearing off.
"Black members of the student council say they have asked school administrators about holding a single school-sponsored prom, but that, along with efforts to collaborate with white prom planners, has failed. "
Integrate it for they can say that they did something together. Certain traditions should stay the same. people in that area are always gonna be racist and the blacks have obviously accepted it.
America's a huge as country, there's probably a large number of other areas that do the same thing....
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