Dolla, whose real name is Roderick Burton II, and suspect Aubrey Berry allegedly first feuded at an Atlanta club, where Burton and his crew beat up Berry. The two then reportedly had a chance encounter last Monday (May 18) in the restroom of a PF Changs restaurant in L.A. Dolla verbally threatened Berry, following him to a parking lot where he reached for his waistband, prompting Berry to shoot at him. However, Dolla was unarmed at the scene.
[Berry] perceived that his life was in danger, said Howard R Price, Berrys attorney. At worst its a manslaughter case, at best its a case of self-defense.
The investigating police differ in their opinion of the incident. Our prosecutors believe the evidence was sufficient for a murder filing, said a spokesperson for the L.A. County D.A.s office. We try our cases in the courtroom, not on the sidewalk.
Berry, who faces one count of murder and two counts each of assault with a firearm, will be arraigned on Friday (May 22). His bail has been increased from $1 million to $5 million.- Devin