XXL magazine put Def Jam star Rick Ross on the cover of their May issue, on newstands now. The rapper was photographed at close range, donning Louis Vuitton sunglasses. The publication learned, by way of letter to the editorial staff from Vuitton's attorney, that those glasses were indeed fake, causing a lot of controversy for the famed designer brand, and perhaps the rapper.
Sent by Michael D. Pantalony, Esq., the letter claimed the glasses' trademarks were "counterfeit," and caused "confusion" for readers and consumers. The attorney also clarified that Vuitton has no known association with the rapper or the publication. Ross has yet to comment on the claims.
Previously, rumors have swirled that Fabolous has worn counterfeit Nike sneakers and Lil Wayne has been photographed in counterfeit Bathing Ape clothing. Neither claims were ever verified, and both refuted by rappers.
Jack "The Sunglass Pimp" Bernstein, owner of Jack's Eyewear in Los Angeles released a statement, contending that the shades Ross donned were merely customized with solid gold accents, and were in fact authentic
"It's the same thing as buying a Rolls Royce and tricking out the entire interior, adding on a body kit, adding on the rims; after all that, youre not going to call the Rolls Royce counterfeit," Bernstein stated. "That's the same service we provide for our clients with authentic pieces. Just because the product has been customized by me does not take away from the fact that the frames are authentic Louis Vuitton Millionaires."