Ninja Man who has been locked up since March was recently accompanied by his son Janile Ballentine who has also been charged for the death of 20-year-old Ricardo Johnson. understands that Janile Ballentine has been on the run since the incident but was eventually captured in the parish of St. Ann. The members of the Major Investigation Task Force also charged a third man, Clayton Dennis who they believed was also responsible for the young man's death.
They are all scheduled to appear in Court on Thursday to answer to several charges such as illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition along with conspiracy to murder.
On Tuesday March 16, 2009 at about 11:15 a.m. it is alleged that three men depart from a car who immediately fired several shots at another man who managed to escaped, however Mr. Johnson who was standing at his gate got hit by a stray bullet, he was then immediately rushed to the Kingston Public Hospital but failed to overcome his injuries.