S I Z Z L A R E F U S E S T O " B O W " - T O R O N T O S H O W C A N C E L L E D
Fire-burning dancehall singjay Sizzla was due to perform live this coming Sunday, April 12, at the Paramount Concert Theatre in Woodbridge, Ontario, however the show has reportedly been cancelled, as Sizzla has refused to sign a document stating that he will not spout anti-gay lyrics at the show. As a result of his refusal to sign the document, Sizzla and his management team were reportedly denied visas when they went to the Canadian Embassy here in Kingston earlier this week.
BLAZE FIRE BLAZE!!!!! I never could understand that!! If they have a right be gay we should have a right to speak our mind!!! Periode bun dem politian!!! Dem!!! Fools!!!!