A man accused of pushing his hand under his wife's skirt to smell if she had sex with someone else received a suspended sentence in the Corporate Area Resident Maigstrate's Court yesterday.
Unlawful wounding
Rohan Pratt was sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment at hard labour, suspended for 12 months, when he answered to unlawful wounding.
The complainant told the court that Pratt, who has already been ordered to stay away from her, accused her of having an affair and has been molesting her ever since. She said on one occasion, while she was walking home, Pratt approached her and pushed his hand under her skirt.
She also revealed that on another occasion, he pulled her off the road and took away her handbag and her phone.
A lot of stress
Pratt, however, told the court that he has stayed away from his wife since being ordered to do so. He said she broke off their relationship in 2007 to be with another man, but that did not work out and he took her back. He said, "I go through a lot of stress, Your Honour. I tried to hang myself. I just ask her for happiness and she can't give that to me."
The complainant, however, told the court that Pratt is always quick to draw weapons when they have disagreements, and said he has used a knife to cut off her clothes. She said she has filed for a divorce as the accused has threatened her.
Pratt vowed to stay away from the complainant, but expressed a desire to see his children. The complainant said she would take the matter to the Family Court.