The Area Four police are urging motorists in the Corporate Area to be careful of thieves who are smashing car windows and snatching items whenever cars come to a halt.
The police say they have received at least six reports in the last two weeks and believe that the occurrence of such incidents could become prevalent.
"We had the first report about mid-February and received about five more after," Detective Corporal Michael Creary of the Area Four police said yesterday.
"Not one of the victims say they were able to identify the thieves as it happened in a flash literally. So we think there will be more reported cases."
These reported cases occurred at nights, but in different sections of the Corporate Area.
Handbags, cellphones and laptops were among the items reported stolen in the incidents.
The thieves are said to normally make their move when a car stops at a corner or stop light, the police said.
"We are urging motorists to be on the alert for these thieves. Take precautions by placing personal belongings on the floor of the car rather than on the seats where they are visible," Creary said.