SWEET RIVER, Westmore-land - The Westmoreland Police and members of the Narcotics Squad yesterday busted a major car-stealing operation while on a ganja eradication drive deep inside the woods of a section of the Sweet River community known as Pipers Corner.
The police party removed the scrapped remains of what appeared to be three new motor cars and a portion of car parts, including a set of model rims.
Police and curious onlookers view the frame of a stolen vehicle from the recent car-stealing ring bust.
During yesterday's opera-tion, the police also destroyed two and a half acres of fully-grown ganja, three huts and 2,000 ganja seedlings.
According to a highly placed police source, intelligence established a link between yesterday's car- stealing bust and the death of 47-year-old ganja farmer, Donovan Comrie, who was shot and killed in his ganja field Monday afternoon. The police surmised that he may have been killed by the operators of the car-stealing ring which was headquartered in close proximity.
Comrie was suspected to have expressed that the operation of the car-stealing racket would serve to expose his illegitimate cultivation.
The police reported that Monday about 4:30 pm, a friend heard explosions and upon investigation found Comrie suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. The police were summoned and he was taken to the Savanna-la-mar Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
The ganja field that was destroyed during yesterday's operation was reportedly owned by Comrie.
the whole community mussi fra** wid all dat smoke!
I NEVER fail, i'm just SUCCESSFUL in finding out what doesn't work Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.