no say nutten a unu set up the man,even if the man no work up to par dat no gi no man the rite fi rob de man at gun point unu fi gweh!!!!!!!caribbean people eva a dis jamaican people and artist.
BECUZ WE AR A small island ,he think he can come and gav we a cheap ass show , we pay a lot of money to see >this can't sing on stage mother-f**ker<< .. tha man come tek we 4 fool bout he miss tha plane {twice} how tha f**k u can miss tha plane twice then after all then !!!! I pay a lot of money tha first time!! then tha second time I got water goin over to tha show & this nigger anit show up
when serani finally came he gav us a 20min show - who tha f**k he think he is !!! robb him *lo**clath mi say QUOTE{i was to f**king brokes to go st.criox} so f**k that nigger
3 - if he was in st.KItts, st.vincent or st.lucia or trinidad they would of stone him then robb him & kill him{if u think i lie ask someone from those island}
f**k serani !!! that my island so will >>>I goin TO DE-FEND MY PLAC
f**k SERANI!!!
If u dont like my opinion/topic/comment I still dont Gave a F*** .
Serani is a uptown youth....He does not understand certain garrisson not any artiste dem coulda do so...but said artist would probably have given a better show..
Serani 3 HYPE..................cuz him get a one Hit On Billboard...........Him think him Arrived!!!!!!!................Humble youself...........Datz Why Mi Rate SEAN PAUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!