people need to learn how to overcome peer pressure... HYPE HIM A LOOK
have friends who actually post on that site alot, lol.
Anyway here's what happened
kid posts a thread with a similar name to "ask a guy whos about to od any question you want" and a link to his live stream
people connect to the stream
he has already taken the pills - it's too late by that point, he lies down and pretty much dies except nobody knows if he's faking or not as he has a long history of suicide attempts on that forum that turned out to be fake, a guy PMs a moderator and the moderator dismisses him as a troll who fakes it for attention constantly, moderator contacts the police, police turn up on the live stream, break down his door and check him out and then cover up the camera. Nothing they could do? now the media are trying to punish members of the forum for saying things like "do it faggot" etc because they thought he was just taking the piss, the moderator is getting a shit load of abuse for dismissing it. It all boils down to the media not knowing f**k all and being complete clueless faggots who like to blame everything on websites and pills instead of the faggot who had planned out the entire thing and carried out his own plans.