To keep the peace and keep a lot of folks from getting nervous, I think we should develop a list of acceptable celebrations and behaviors we should probably avoid - at least for the first few days after he gets elected:
1) No crying, hugging or shouting 'Thank you Lord' - all in the mall, at Wal-Mart, or at Work.
2) No high-fives - at least not unless the area is clear and there are no witnesses
3) Swangin in the street with Barack Obama stickers on your car is _not_ supportive.
4) No calling in sick on November 5th. They'll get nervous if too many of us don't show up.
5) We're allowed to give each other winks or nods in passing. Just try to keep from grinning too hard.
6) No singing loudly, "We've come this Far By Faith" (it will be acceptable to hum softly)
7) No bringing of barbeque ribs or fried chicken for lunch in the company lunchroom for at least a week (no chittlings or collard greens AT ALL) (this may make us seem to ethnic)
8 ) No leaving kool-aid packages at the water fountain (this might be a sign that poor folks might be getting a break through)
9) No Cupid Shuffle during breaks (this could indicate a little too much excitement)
10) Please no "Moving on Up" music (we are going to try to remain humble)
11) No doing the George Jefferson dance (unless you're in your office with the door closed)
12) Please try not to yell----BOOOO YAH!
13.) Just in case you're wondering, Doing the Running Man, cabbage patch, or a back hand spring on the highway is 100% okay. *
14.) DO NOT curse out your boss, and quit your job. BARACK won?not you!*
15.) Please, please, please don?t come to work the next day with Black Panther
gear, or afro picks. (Just try to be your normal self)*
16.) Do not start calling it "The Black House" and telling people "we bout to make some changes up in here". *
17.) You cannot run through people's yards kicking down McCain/Palin signs (You will go too jail for that)*
18.) Please refrain from referring to the President as "My ni33a Barack" (Totally Unacceptable)*
19.) Do not think you will be pardoned from child support or any other obligations because Obama won. *
20.) Lastly, please do not think you can "Call up there" to the White House and speak to Barack personally when you need something done. He is the President, not your cousin.
7) No bringing of barbeque ribs or fried chicken for lunch in the company lunchroom for at least a week (no chittlings or collard greens AT ALL) (this may make us seem to ethnic)
A wise man sees failure as progress/
a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic/
And loses his soul in the process/ obsessed with nonsense with a caricature that has no content/
Yo Sound P, dis is hilarious but a necessary thing. Black people fi follow Barack's lead in remaining gracious, humble and dignified even though a great grandson of western hemisphere slavery has just assumed the most powerful office in the west and politically kicked their ass doing it!! Gobama
"We as Afreecans are confident in the victory of GOoD over (d) evil"
HIM Emperor Haile Selassie I