Adamant that justice must be achieved, a female police officer is sticking to her guns in filing rape charges against a colleague of hers who allegedly sexually abused her while they worked together on duty. Telling horror stories of rampant sexual inappropriate behaviour within the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), the female cop explained to The Gleaner that her hellish ordeal of being raped was the climax of a long experience with sexual hara**ment that started from the beginning of the eight month training programme at Police Training School. While quick to point out that the Twickenham Park, St Catherine-based school has some excellent instructors, the decent ones were outnumbered, according to the female officer, by those who did indiscreet things like offer sex in exchange for favourable training outcomes. Although it was difficult to be teased and jeered constantly, because of her stance to be strictly no-nonsense in regards to the sexual advances of her male colleagues, the female officer stuck to her guns and pursued her goal of being a police officer with high integrity. Then on the night before Hurricane Gustav, this officer was forced to have sex with a colleague who brutally ignored her pleas for him to stop. After reporting the incident and following proper procedures of getting medical examinations and having evidence collected, the officer experienced further contemptuous reactions from colleagues who disagreed with her decision to file criminal charges on one of their squaddy [squad members].
The female officer reported feeling isolated and unsupported after reporting the incident and even has times when she senses some superiors are trying to intimidate her. Last week however, some progress was reported, as the police officer in question was arrested and charged with an alleged rape. He has been interviewed and a ruling from public prosecutions is pending. The female officer is now receiving the full support of the JCF and has been reassigned, while senior enforcement officers condemn the entire situation.