"Ive heard that men can have multiple orgasms but dont really understand how this could work. Once I come theres nothing I can do but wait until I get hard again. Is this an urban legend, or is it just something some guys can do but others cant?"
Its definitely not an urban legend; although male multiple orgasms do sometimes take on something of a mythic quality (take, for example, Sting).
The good news is that men can, do, and have had multiple orgasms for thousands of years. Taoist teachings on sexuality that go back farther than that give explicit instruction for men on how they can experience multiple orgasms. Western sex researchers have also studied this experience in men and found clear physiological evidence that it happens. Also, it seems that many men can learn to have multiple orgasms.
The sort-of bad news? Learning to have multiple orgasms takes a fair bit of time and practice. Also, multiple orgasms means that you are having a series of non-ejaculatory orgasms, so while they arent necessarily better or worse, they are definitely different than the kind of orgasms you may be used to experiencing.
The more good news? Learning to have multiple orgasms means you will also be learning to control ejaculation, and you will learn a lot about your own sexual response, which is great news regardless of the final outcome.
1. Use a stroking technique. Begin masturbating by stroking your penis up and down. This is the best method for these exercises as it most closely approximates penetration. Dont think about premature ejaculation or trying to last longer. Just pay attention to the physical sensations in your penis and pelvic area as your masturbating.
2. Try to notice the tickling sensation prior to ejaculation. As you get close to ejaculation pay particular attention to the physical sensations in your body. Try to notice the tickling sensation that occurs just before you ejaculate. Once you know what that feeling is like, you can concentrate on the feelings that occur just before this stage, when it is still possible to stop ejaculation.
3. Get comfortable recognizing the tickling sensation. Continue masturbating without trying to last longer or think of anything special. Just pay close attention to how your body feels as you become more excited, and to recognizing the tickling feelings. Do this for at least the next three times you masturbate. Dont stop yourself from ejaculating, just try to recognize the tickling feeling, and the feeling in your body just before the tickling feeling.
4. Start and stop masturbating to learn control. Once you can tell when the tickling sensation is going to come youre ready to begin the exercises. Try to avoid fantasizing more than necessary, and dont use lubricant or sex toys while doing these exercises (theyre great, but theyll come later). 5. Begin stimulation while paying close attention to the physical sensations in your body. Masturbate until you start to feel turned on and have an erection. Then stop the stimulation for at least 15 seconds and concentrate on the feelings of decreasing excitement in your body. Notice how your penis and pelvic area feel, and how that changes when you stop stimulation. Notice how the rest of your body feels.
6. Continue until you get close to the tickling sensation. Begin to masturbate again, and continue to start and stop periodically until you feel you are getting as close to the tickling stage as possible. When you feel yourself getting close stop until you feel you are back in control. Some men find that doing and Kegel squeezes helps them get back in control.
7. Don't worry if you lose your erection. You may lose your erection when you stop the stimulation, but just start again. You may need to use fantasy to get excited again, but once you're turned on, try to focus on your body. Bring yourself close to the tickling point three times. After this you can just masturbate until you ejaculate.
8. Pay close attention to your body, and repeat this exercise daily. You may find it difficult to do these exercises at first. You may lose your erection, your mind may wander, you might get bored. But try to stay with it, and practice this daily. As you do, two things will happen. First, the length of time you have to wait to regain control will gradually decrease. Second, the length of time you can continue stimulation between stops will increase.
9. Visualize your sexual response. Look at the diagram on this page which gives a visual representation of the start and stop technique. Each time you stop stimulating yourself try to picture your body responding as if on this graph.
10. Build up the number of times you stop. Increase the number of times you stop stimulating yourself until you have reached six. Once you can do the entire exercise ( stimulating yourself just before the tickling point, stopping stimulation until you regain control, and then starting again) six times, begin to practice this daily. 11. Use a good lubricant. Once youre feeling confident with the exercises, and are able to stop six times, you can increase the stimulation, and the usefulness of the exercises by using a good oil or water based personal lubricant. Because this is only for masturbation, an oil based lubricant is fine to use (but not safe for use with condoms, and not recommended for use in vaginal penetration).
12. Using the lubricant to simulate penetration, start the exercise. As before, stimulate yourself as closely as possible to the point of ejaculation and then stop until control is regained. Begin by stopping three times before going on to ejaculate, then gradually increase the number of stops to six per session. 13. Once you feel comfortable, include a partner. If you are in a relationship, ultimately you need to bring your partner into the exercises. Dont rush this, but once you feel confident with your ability to know when to stop and wait until you regain control, you can involve your partner in the exercises.
no im not...think about all the shit we have to go thru...Painfully losing your virginity, periods, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause...not to mention all the other little things in between...
Thats one of the only things we get to enjoy...why dem muss have it to? no man...we need a likkle reward...
Love is Dead...
So few of us really think, what we do is rearrange our prejudges...
Education is not necessarily Liberation from Ignorance...
no im not...think about all the shit we have to go thru...Painfully losing your virginity, periods, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause...not to mention all the other little things in between...
Thats one of the only things we get to enjoy...why dem muss have it to? no man...we need a likkle reward...
childbirth? u feel when u did bawn? Menopause = heaven