Dr. Alverson Bailey, past president of the Medical Association of Jamaica told the Jamaica Star this week that it is quite possible for the penis to become fractured. This statement was made during Star reporters investigations on a man admitted to the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) with a fractured penis, during the rough weather of Tropical Storm Gustav.
Sources gave The Star the amazing report that the man had to go in search of medical attention at KPH after having fractured his penis during sex.
Not able to confirm anything with the gentleman in question, The Star got basic confirmations of the incident from others including a friend of the man who reportedly said, "he did break his penis."
Reports on those interviewed at KPH indicate that many spoke with humorousness on the notion of a fractured penis, but Dr. Bailey warned against taking this lightly and ignoring the need for medical attention if this occurs.
Explaining that a penile fracture is not uncommon, Dr. Bailey said that the structure maintaining the integrity of the penis can become torn. He told The Star further that when it happens the penis makes a loud popping sound after which comes excruciating pain and swelling that leaves the penis looking deformed; and for some bleeding occurs as well. Dr. Bailey said, how this happens mostly is by men missing their mark during rough sex and hitting the pubic bone of the female instead; resulting in a fracture. Further he noted that women who dominate during sex can cause such fractures, with excessive enthusiasm in certain positions.
Getting medical assistance in the event of a penile fracture was emphasized as being very important by Dr. Bailey, since if left untreated the penis could become permanently damaged and impotence could also follow.