Scholar says Caribbean neighbours bring down house prices
CAMBRIDGE ACADEMIC George Steiner has caused uproar after stating that he did not want Jamaican neighbours.
The 79-year-old university Fellow said having Jamaicans as his neighbours would be a nightmare because they play reggae all day.
Steiner claims racism is inherent in everyone and that racial tolerance is merely skin deep.
"It's very easy to sit here in this room and say 'racism is horrible," Steiner said from his house in Cambridge, where he has been an Extraordinary Fellow at Churchill College since 1969.
"But ask me the same thing if a Jamaican family moved next door with six children and they play reggae and rock music all day.
Or if an estate agent comes to my house and tells me that because a Jamaican family has moved next door the value of my property has fallen through the floor. Ask me then!"
While Steiners views have been defended by many of his fellow scholars, the comments were met with anger in the black community.
Celia Grandison-Markey, advisory board member from Jamaica Diaspora UK said.
We totally reject the characterisation of Jamaicans reflected in his comments, while we recognise his own need to be educated about people, his regrettable lack of discernment and his readiness to generalise and stereotype.
The Voice was inundated with complaints from furious readers regarding Steiner remarks.
Simmone Frazier said: ?To suggest that all Jamaicans are selfish, while disturbing their neighbours with loud rock and reggae music, with a large brood of children in tow, if that is not racism, what is?
Asked if he regretted what he said, Steiner said: "No I do not."
me personally, Im glad he had the guts to say it...........him fi get bullet..........but at least he didnt do like a lot of people today and say somthing racist then try and cover it up.......
and this coming from a educated older person .Rock music how much Jamaicans you know listen rock music ??? f**king racist pig thats what he is. Go f**k yourself.