I am a guy of just 24 years old, not much life lived, but I feel like I have been living a long time because of the fact that I became a man too soon.
Play women like a game
I started out having sex at a very young age. I thought it was great that I could do that, but now I have a problem that I can't seem to get rid of. I can't find love, or should I say, I don't know how to love, or even if I can, I have become this person that only wants women for sex, and after I have got what I worked for, I keep moving on. I play women just like a game that I have played over and over again and know all the levels by heart, and they always fall for it.
Wanting new women
In high school, I had girls in all grades, while I was just in first form. I have left Jamaica and this problem has followed me even here. I met a woman, who has been there for me for a long time, and I know she really cares for me, but I just can't stop wanting more new women. I treat her nicely and make her feel special, but that is how I treat every woman I talk to.
Pastor, I am miserable. I am not able to have one woman that I can say is truly mine and be faithful to her, but I am not in denial that I am addicted to sex. But the problem is, pastor, I am addicted to sex and new women. Please, help me.
P.K., Nassau, Bahamas
Dear P.K.,
Men who believe that they are sex addicts should seek psychotherapy. They are not just having a physical problem, but a mental disorder.
I therefore suggest that if you are serious about getting help, you ask your doctor to refer you to someone, who can go through the long process of therapy with you.
I must add that in the USA, there are support groups for sex addicts. I do not know if there are such groups in the Bahamas.