I am in love with a man who is with another woman. He has changed me so much and has been there for me when there was no one to turn to.
He has made every attempt to leave the other woman, but he told me that he doesn't want to do it just yet. He is still insisting that I wait until the time is right for us to have the life we both want.
He gets jealous when he sees me talking to other guys and gets edgy about the thought of me seeing another man. He told me the woman is doing some things against him that he doesn't see me doing and doesn't want me to hurt him. He loves the both of us, but he is not sure what to do.
Pastor, please tell me what to do.
K.C., Kingston, Jamaica
Dear K.C.,
This guy loves both of you. That I believe. What I don't believe is that he has made every attempt to leave her. That is 'man talk'. The truth is that he is involved with both of you and he needs to tell you things to keep you quiet and to make you feel comfortable with him.