Sometimes you feel like reinstalling windows Xp, but you think of all the softwares and application installed on your computer.
You will then be required to reinstall all of them.Now there is a way to reinstall windows Xp, where in you can keep all the installed application and all the personal settings.
Its simple and easy, just follow these steps.Before moving ahead, make sure that CD-Rom in NOT your first boot device.
1. Login to Xp and Insert you Windows Xp disk in your drive.
2. Go to Command Prompt, and go to the drive(eg:- d:> assuming D is your CD drive.)
3. Then go to i386 folder(d:/i386>) and then type in the command prompt WINNT32 /unattend.
4. You will then see a setup starts running, which reinstalls the Windows on your computer, without harnessing your installed application and settings, and the too in unattended mode.
This is the method of reinstalling Windows in Unattended Mode. We have already seen the installing fresh copy of Windows Xp in Unattended Mode.