Since the influx of home made porn videos starring local celebrities, persons have been scouring the net inside out hunting for more. It has even reach as far as persons trying to make something out of nothing just to be entertained. The latest news to hit the street is a video of DAngel out partying with friends.
In the video DAngel was out partying like a rock star not knowing that a videographer was determined to get underneath her skirt with his camera. Word on the street is that DAngel willfully exposed herself. When got in touch with DAngel she expressed no shock and actually burst into a wave of laughter.
That video is so long ago (2005). My friends brought it to my attention and I was rather upset when I saw it. There were a lot of photographers and videographers capturing the moment of me having fun but I had no idea that one of them was trying video under my clothes, she said.
Whether you are an entertainer or a regular patron its disrespectful of the video man to do such thing, especially when you are not aware of the situation its cheap publicity, Anso!!!!!, she told