AN UNFIT mother was jailed for 18 months yesterday for abandoning her toddler son like a dog for a weekend as she went partying.
Callous Kelly Tollerton, 22, left the two-year-old to scavenge for food in a filthy kitchen while she was out with a man almost twice her age.
She showed no emotion as a judge told her she was not a fit and proper mother.
Mr Recorder William Harbage QC said: It defies belief anyone could treat a child in that way. Your treatment of your son was despicable and disgraceful.
The judge said she was not stupid but selfish, lazy and more concerned with her social life.
Tollerton had wept at an earlier Lincoln Crown Court hearing when she was convicted of cruelty and perverting justice.
Shocked cops found her son shaking, sobbing and surrounded by squalor in her Lincoln flat after neighbours spotted flooding from an overflowing sink.
The judge said it was a great pity social services, who saw the child as a baby, had ended their involvement with him.