"What is wrong with Jamaica, has the country gone mad?" My Friend P asked last week as the chatter about the media personality, actor and actress 'true blue' videos being transmitted by email and via Bluetooth technology on cellphones took on its own life.
Before we explore the insanity of these incidents last week, it is time for us to do the official are you old check. If you did not get an email of these steamy videos it is final. You are old. Yup, you are so out of it that you did not know a soul who was in the circle of 'know' who got this mail.
No clue
It also means that even if you did know people who got the mail - they had so much respect for you [this also reads 'you are old!'] that they would have felt a bit cute sending it to you - so they didn't. And God forbid if you are now reading this column and you live in Jamaica and you have no clue what we are talking about - you are old, grey, decrepit and on the verge of senility. Wake up and pay attention!
Oh, you all want to know where I fall. Well, somewhere in between. Didn't get the damn mail! Though, this might have something to do with my announcement to all my associates that I do not read FWD email unless it is at work. FWD email gets an instant delete from me. But I did hear about the stories on the 'vine'.
Sex-education class
I have a couple of things to say to the stars in these videos.
1. Maybe they forgot to mention it in the sex-education class when you guys were at school, or when your parents gave you the birds and the bees talk but figure this: Copulation [sex] is a private act. Private: a state in which one is not OBSERVED or disturbed by others. [Oxford].
2. When you are kids it is one thing, but when you HAVE kids, you owe it to them to even pretend in public that you are a half respectable and decent person. Now, this is not suggesting that sex itself is indecent, but how many of us even as adults find comfort in conjuring an image of our parents having sex? Nope. We do not wrap our minds around our parents as sexual beings unless you come from some incestuous family!
Passing around
The reality of these videos perplexed me quite a bit. Because I was, and still am, unable to understand what would possess someone to first tape themselves having sex, and second, to keep the recording so carelessly that someone else might get it! I realised that I was in a generational void on this issue as many young people [read as people 25 and under] were not that bent out of shape about the recording but were more concerned about the perpetual passing around of the obscene video. Of course, these were people who not only watched the videos at length but had no qualms about themselves sending it around to their friends to have a gawk at the actor, actress and media personality in the throes of private-made-public passions.
Old technologies
One thing for sure is that the advent of new, now old technologies in the form of Big Brother Internet, camera phones and the Star Trek feature of Bluetooth transference, the word and the notion of privacy as we once knew it has changed dramatically. Which further begs the common sense of recording such a private affair, unless, of course, the real plan was to share it with a couple of friends. And I cannot help but think that this was the sick ultimate plan.
Clearly, morality as we know it is changing at rates that the society can hardly even come to terms with. Or am I just a prude? My heart bleeds for the children of these now forever to be labelled Porn Stars - it is the kind of thing that must make one want to trade in a parent!
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