The good book reads, To whom much is given, much is required, and for Charmaine Munroe, better known to the world as Macka Diamond, it is quite clear that she not only knows this principle, but lives by it.
Just recently she again showed her kinder, gentler and more compassionate side by hosting an All School Beach Party at Ocho Rioss Margaritaville, with proceeds from the event going towards the enhancement of the music departments of schools in and around the area.
The all day, incident free Beach Party, which was held on the 24th of May, was the first of its kind at the venue, usually reserved for visitors to the island, but with its success and benefit to the community, Macka Diamond and her company, DiamondDistrict Ja. along with Margaritaville, Ocho Rios, have agreed to again partner on yet another beach party, the Remix- Summer Edition, scheduled to be held on July 12th, at Margaritaville Ocho Rios, with proceeds again going towards the enhancement of the music department in schools.
The presentation of funds to the schools was done on June 12th 2008, at Margaritaville, Ocho Rios, and was attended by both students and teachers from Iona, Oracabessa, York Castle, Ocho Rios and Marcus Garvey High Schools, who werent only grateful for the undisclosed financial gesture, but also enjoyed being up-close and personal with the Money Goddess herself.
Mr. Levermore, head of the music department at York Castle High School expressed heartfelt thanks to Macka Diamond and her Company on behalf of all the schools. He mentioned that York Castle will use the donation to purchase a much needed amplifier for the music department.
life is one big road with a lot's of sign== only god can judge>>>
thats what we need fi see from more artists and the media need to cover them type of stories more and stop saturate the news wid the mix up and blender