good god i think im scared for life just watching that never mind having to go through it ... why a mother would cause such pain and mental scaring to their own child is beyond me.... women who do this to their children should get the death penalty by cutting of their body parts off one at a time.... this is madddddnessssssssssssssssss.
26 people die from swine flu & everybody wants 2 wear a mask. 2,000,000 people die from AIDS and nobody wants to wear a condom!
Yea i did a paper on this for one of my anthropology classes...some women actually want to go through with the ritual because its viewed as a rite of passage into womanhood depending on the culture...there are many other reasons why some cultures perform "female circumcision" (also known as "Female Genital Mutilation")though...and its not only limited to cutting off the clitoris...lawd i could go on and on...
And to postinor's question...theres ALOT that can be cut me...
Love is Dead...
So few of us really think, what we do is rearrange our prejudges...
Education is not necessarily Liberation from Ignorance...
Yh.. its rly sad... kinda like slavery... living in bondage... hope the light of modernisation while shine on em tho... I couldnt imagine living in a place like that...
a long time this a gwaan even here in canada alot of african females who u see look sexy, have no sexual urges..........and thats so sad...........thats why when i say lets go to my place and them say no...i feel like crying for them ....they dont know what they are sad.......