"Jamaica is not going allow values to be imposed on it from outside. We're going to have to determine that ourselves and we're going to have to determine to what extent those values will adapt over time to change, change in perception, change in understanding as to how people live."
I strongly agree with this statement...Thank god the population voted an intelligent, articulate person into office...SHOWAAAAAA!!!!
Love is Dead...
So few of us really think, what we do is rearrange our prejudges...
Education is not necessarily Liberation from Ignorance...
I NEVER fail, i'm just SUCCESSFUL in finding out what doesn't work Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
mi rate bruce fi dat...wi no bow fi no lobby group, especially d chich dem...time fi defend wi morals, wi economy an wi education from dem babylonian interest groups...dem a work fi d Illuminati, chi chi rghts is a new world order population control agent!!!