Beenie_Man4.jpgWhat a way Cowboy handle Beenie bad over PSplash the other day! When the cops dem arrive about 7 inna the morning, Beenie Man de round the turntable ah play and ah enjoy himself so the cops dem detain him under the Night Noise Abatement act. Dem all force him fi go up inna the jeep and dem carry him go station fi process him and ting. But eventually, dem let him go without charging him, worse him did have a flight fi ketch if go Spain and ting. So people ah grumble and ah ask what kinda bad vibe that between Cowboy and Beenie the Indian, mi no know.
oh lord.........Psplash 2 d werl as baby wah u a go hawd!!!!!
I NEVER fail, i'm just SUCCESSFUL in finding out what doesn't work Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.