Getting jiggy to the music at Passa Passa, held on Spanish Town Road, on Wednesday, May 14.
It's the haven for all dancers. The weekly street dance Passa Passa, held along Spanish Town Road, always brings out dancers in all their numbers and glory.
Ice, Sadeke, Ding Dong and the Ravers Clavers, Sample Six, Timeless, MOB, Chi Ching Ching, Latesha, Dance Xpressionz, John Hype and many others can always be found at Passa Passa, dancing away to the musical selections of Swatch International and other selectors.
Dancer Latesha, at one point, appeared to be having a fit, as she jiggled up her body and wined to the ground, with a perplexed look on her face.
There were still the regular antics that are known to take place at Passa Passa. Male dancers lifting their female counterparts off their feet and spinning them around at high speed, while other females played it safe and simply obeyed Beenie Man to Back It Up and Munga to Wine Pon It.
A big Tata truck filled with market goods, along with a few minibuses was in no hurry to pass, as the passengers used the opportunity to feast their eyes on some 'dirty dancing' in the streets.
Pencilman of the Ravers Clavers showing off a few dance moves. - Nathaniel Stewart
These patrons take time out to strike a pose at the event.
D'Angel and dancer John Hype vibing at Passa Passa. - Nathaniel Stewart photos