Two 'in-laws' who had a dispute over who was responsible for paying a water bill, resulting in one losing two teeth, were referred to mediation to settle their differences.
The two appeared before the Montego Bay Resident Magistrate's Court on Tuesday.
Lisa Williams, 25, of Tower Hill in St James, who was charged with assault occasioning grievous bodily harm to her sister-in-law, said her actions constituted self-defence as the complainant attacked her.
The dispute was referred to mediation after the complainant, though spending only $14,900 in medical expenses, said she wanted $150,000 to settle the matter.
Exhorbitant sum
However RM Winsome Henry believed that this sum was exorbitant, and suggested that they resolve their issues through mediation.
It is alleged that the mother of the complainant asked who was responsible for paying for the water bill. The complainant allegedly suggested that Williams pay. However the accused refused stating that she was not part of the family and began using expletives.
Further allegations are that the women became engaged in a tussle, which persons had to quell. However, Williams allegedly left and returned with a machete and a bottle. It is alleged that she through the bottle at the complainanthitting her in the mouth and causing her to lose two teeth.
But in court, Williams said that she had intervened in an argument between the complainant and her mother over a water bill. She said the complainant attacked her after she returned an insult about her child.
She said she had her baby in her arms when the complainant attacked her and even after another relative intervened, the complainant ran into her house to get a weapon and this was her reason for arming herself with the bottle and machete.