A woman who reportedly fleeced several persons out of hundreds of thousands of dollars by pretending she could provide them with jobs, repaid two complainants in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court on Tuesday.
Ann-Marie Ashman is accused of telling the complainants she was able to provide them with jobs overseas, and collecting money under the guise that she was facilitating such jobs. The police were called in when the complainants received no jobs or a refund.
When Ashman appeared before Resident Magistrate Glen Brown, she brought $70,000 which was used to pay off two of her many complainants. The others, begged RM Brown to help them, complaining about the many trips they had made to court and how much it cost them to travel to Kingston from as far as Montego Bay, and leave empty-handed.
One complainant also told the court that she had been receiving death threats, a claim which the investigating officer said he was aware of. After a stern warning for Ashman, RM Brown set a new date of June 4.