Yeh mi sih weh yuh ah seh Tess. But yuh see wid a dawg, evn doe u cant predict weh dem ah goh do, yuh can train it, n it has a certain predictability. Wid ah snake now, ah snake ah snake. U zeen
Tommy Di Dad dad dads, Put da Mac to ya Back back back, Wen da ting go click clack clack Afta dat ain't nutten but rrrrrraaaaahhhhhhhh
I understand you cant train a snake but yu have to look at the facts...its a cobra which is a venomous snake...which means once you remove the venom glands...its harmless...if it was a python or a boa then yu have to worry cause those squeeze the life outta this was completely harmless...i see where yu comin from tho Daddz...
Love is Dead...
So few of us really think, what we do is rearrange our prejudges...
Education is not necessarily Liberation from Ignorance...