LOS ANGELES - Ray J is cruising down the Hollywood Freeway in his black Lamborghini when fans in a passing car recognize him. The singer/actor/sex-tape star slows down so they can snap a photo. In an interview with AP news Ray J said his main goal right now is to get his music out there and to put his acting skills back on track. "I really know how to sing and create and put things together that entertain...be it controversially or be it from music or acting," he told the web site.
The infamous sex tape, which also shot Kardashian to a new level of notoriety, was made in Cabo San Lucas on the socialite's birthday five years ago. Ray J says the two had been a couple for "four years off and on," and insists the video was made strictly for private purposes. "We were just having fun, letting it all hang out," he says. "But I didn't think they were going to see it actually hanging out," he told AP.
He says he doesn't know how porn purveyors Vivid Entertainment got a hold of the video, but he and Kardashian filed lawsuits after its release. Both reportedly settled for multimillion-dollar sums. The experience and its aftermath inspired his new music. He says that Lil' Kim lured him into the studio, and his mom and manager, Sonja Norwood, urged him to release the album on his own Knockout Entertainment label.
Musically, things are looking good so far. The album's single, "Sexy Can I," is a legitimate hit, currently sixth on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, and the video is getting play on MTV and BET.