Tutorial goal: This tutorial shows you how to make a userbar for forums in Photoshop. You can make this Userbar in Photshop CS3, CS2, CS, 7 and Photshop Elements 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2.
step 1
First you have to make a pattern you will use later. Make a new layer (3x3 px) and zoom in. Use the pencil tool to make 3 dots. After that, you selects Edit -> Define Pattern.
step 2
Close the Pattern image, and create a new image. Use these settings.
step 3
Now chose your background colors. I chosed "#009fff" and "#60e7ff" . Make a gradient background like this.
step 4
Now you have to find a logo or a picture you wants to have on the userbar. I used the "Sheep alert" photo from a PST Contest. Press Ctrl+T to transform it to the size you want. Place the picture or logo on the left side of the userbar. You can rotate it a bit if you want or change the Opacity.
step 5
Now you have to write a text. Use the font "Visitor TT1 (BRK)". Set the font size to 10 pt and the color to white. I wrote "Sheep protector".
step 6
Now double click on the text-layer and select "Stroke". Set the Size to 1 px. and the color to Black.
step 7
Now it should look like this.
step 8
Now select the Ellipse Tool and draw a white one like this.
step 9
Set the Opacity to 50%. The userbar should now look like this.
step 10
Now you have to use your pattern. Create a new "Fill or adjustments layer" and use the "Pattern" Style. Select your pattern and press OK. Set the opacity to 30%. .
step 11
The userbar is almost finished. Make sure the text layer is the upper-layer. Now it is finished. You can add a black border around the userbar if you wants. The finished Userbar should look like this.