Here is the original photo we will change into a night scene. select the window's with marquee or pen tool, Ctrl J to make a copy.
step 2
With the layer beneath selected go to layer - new adjustment layer - hue / saturation - (check the use previous layer box, select hue saturation and get a color with the sliders that looks like night. kinda grayish/blue.
step 3
Select the inner frame of the window with pen tool or marquee, make a copy then change layer blend mode to multiply. adjust the opacity for transparency"
step 4
I added a moon here and using a 2 pixel hard brush I erased the parts of the moon so the window screen and bar shows through.
step 5
This technique is a very good way to get a non destructive means to create shadows and highlight with the dodge and burn tools that are not permanent" Create a new layer, then while holding down the Shift press F5 - now you want to click the arrow, select contents, then select select the 50% gray feature. after that, use the soft light blend mode. next hit D to get black and white colors. now you can use the burn tool with black for shadows, and the dodge tool with white selected for hilights. to undo the effect, fill with 50% gray again or paint over the area you want to erase with a #666666 typed into the color box at bottom that will make a 50% gray color and you can use that color to erase the dodge and burn tool effect. then hit D again to bring up black and white again.
step 6
I'm using the previous technique here but with varying the brush opacity for different strengths of hilights and shading. after you merge all the layers, Ctrl E - you can use another layer to bring out more details" add some stars, I created a custom star brush for that. also you can do a (Image - Adjusments - Photo filter to get a hue you like. Enjoy!
step 7
Final result. ~ the shadows of the screen I did with a layer mask (Q) then brushed over the screen, right click, make selection, Ctrl J - then move the layer to where you want the shadow to fall. do a slight guassian blur and you could warp and distort the shadow too for perspective.
Dont worry about the images that i have used u can use u'r own images... ok