Little Johnny is lying in his bed one night and just can't get to sleep. He decides to go to his parent's room to go chat to them. Upon entering their room, he sees their blankets going up-and-down. Johnny:" Mommy, daddy, what are you doing?" Parents:" We are playing cards, now GET OUT!" So Johnny decides to go into hisgrand parent's room, only to find the blankets going up-and-down. Johnny: " Granny, Grandpa, what are you doing?" Grandpa:" Get out! We are playing cards!" Feeling rejected,Johnny goes back to his own room and gets back into bed. A while later both his parents, and grandparents feel bad for yelling at him so decide to go and apologize. Upon entering his room, they see the blankets going up-and-down. "Johnny! What are you doing??!!" Johnny:"I'm playing cards." Grandpa:" But who's your partner?" Johnny: "With a hand like this, who needs a partner?"