You all dont realise that it aint simply about physical deeds. Women have weak spots, and men do too but its found by that partner. I cant simply come to you and tell u that if you kiss me on my neck i'll be turned on. Maybe that occurred with one partner but it may not turn me on if someone else tried.
Just like how, some men can kiss and send your knees wobbling and other men simply dont give you that vibe.
With that said, a man PRESENCE & ATTITUDE & PERSONALITY can turn a woman on. Once everything sort out from there, then MOST physical deeds that the person does will be a turn on. DUH!!!! i have learned through extensive research and experimenting...women are creatures of have to connect with them on an emotional and a spiritual level....stimulate their mind, capture their heart and touch their soul then you got them like putty...she will get wet just by thinking about you. Its reversed process...dudes think that physically stimulating a female equates to mental and physical stimulation when in deed its the opposite...stimulate her mind and her soul and the body becomes weak and helpless. Too deep? turn them on physically, find out where there spots are and manipulate them. Simple, easy, effective.... takes 20-30 minutes and it's called foreplay. i have learned through extensive research and experimenting...women are creatures of have to connect with them on an emotional and a spiritual level....stimulate their mind, capture their heart and touch their soul then you got them like putty...she will get wet just by thinking about you. Its reversed process...dudes think that physically stimulating a female equates to mental and physical stimulation when in deed its the opposite...stimulate her mind and her soul and the body becomes weak and helpless. Too deep? turn them on physically, find out where there spots are and manipulate them. Simple, easy, effective.... takes 20-30 minutes and it's called foreplay.