amie Lynn Spears show Zoey 101 has reportedly been cancelled as the 16-year-old recently announced she is 12 weeks pregnant. The fourth season of the popular kids show has already been filmed, but sources say Nikelodeon is now questioning if they should continue to air the show as they initially planned.
After Spears announcement, Nickelodeon released a statement saying We respect Jamie Lynns decision to take responsibility in this sensitive and personal situation. We know this is a very difficult time for her and her family, and our primary concern right now it for Jamie Lynns well being.
The channel initially said the show would continue to air in its regular timeslot, but sources say officials may cancel the show.
Nickelodeon bosses are still undecided whether to air season four or not. For now it looked like it has been canned, says a source.
Meanwhile, the actress older sister Britney Spears has asked Jamie Lynn to come live with her at her Bel Air home. The girls mom, Lynne Spears, is said to be against the idea as she thinks Britney will be a bad influence on Jamie Lynn.
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Britney Spears cant be no more of a bad influence cus she was with tha mother and still breed so it naw change....a yuh mean jamie lyne baby ave me yute yah and gwan easy lol lol