Here are some suggestions of things that we do to keep our relationship alive and are things you can do to build strong roots in your relationships beginning right now...
1. Talk about everything that is important to you and don't keep secrets. Let your partner know who you are.
2. Keep your heart open to your partner even if you want to close it. That doesn't mean you always agree with him/her but it does mean that you listen and you remember that the two of you love each other, even if it doesn't seem that way in the moment.
3. Resolve differences as soon as you can and don't let them simmer. Old resentments and judgments that come up time and time again without resolution kill relationships from the inside out.
4. Stay in the present moment. Nothing damages relationships more that when you live in the past-even past relationships-or futurize what "might" happen.
5. Make a commitment to "not run away" -physically or emotionally-- when things get difficult or if there is a problem or challenge between the two of you. It's okay to take some time to "get yourself" together so that you can be totally "present" while your partner speaks but make sure that you set a time to do so if either of you need to do that.